Welcome to LGC
What makes LGC the most Preferred Destination among students!
College library is the centre of all academic activities. LGC has a computerized and air-cooled duplex library. The reading halls are tastefully furnished with a seating capacity of more than 100 users. The serene atmosphere and rows of neatly stacked books pertaining to different courses of study, supplementary reading, general reading and personality development etc., attract the students to the library. Library subscribes to many national and international periodicals, magazines on current affairs and general interest, national and regional dailies to keep the students’ general knowledge updated.
To cap it all, library has a highly qualified and motivated staff to help the students in pursuit of knowledge. Books of all trades and subjects are available to students. A student can get the books issued from the library.

A fully computerized, spaciously accommodated library has been established to cater to the academic and intellectual needs of the students and the faculty. The college library consists of three sections
- General section
- Reference section
- Reading section.

It is stocked with more than 12,500 volumes of text books & reference books on various subjects of engineering, management, computer application, general knowledge and current affairs.
The library subscribes to 25 national and 35 international professional journals, magazines besides newspapers. The catalogue of the books is available on the computerized software on-line for the users. The acquisition of books & journals to the library is a continuous process. The students are encouraged to read more & more books and are issued books and journals on very easy terms.
The Library staff holds frequent reading and book- hunting competitions among the students to inculcate the habit of reading in them. The library is linked through the digitalized/electronics linkage facility to the All India level E- Resources for providing access to the latest updates and knowledge in the field of engineering science & technology.
Library Rules & Regulations
Library Use
The library is primarily intended for the students, faculty and staff of the college who can make use of library collections, facilities and services in accordance with the rules. Others can use the library only with the prior permission of the Principal.
Library Membership
The teachers, students and non-teaching staff of the college can enroll themselves as members by filling a prescribed application form and agreeing to abide by the prescribed rules.
General library Rules
- Books must be returned on the due date.
- The students are expected to maintain discipline and silence in the library.
- Bags etc are not allowed in the library.
- Students are not allowed to take any book/periodical/newspaper etc. outside the library without permission.
- The student may be re-issued the book(s) if not in demand. The re-issue is done after the payment of overdue fine, if any and on the physical presentation of the already issued book(s).
- The borrower must not damaged mutiliate/tear out/mask any page of the borrower book. In case of any damage he/she shall be responsible for replacement of the book.
- The last borrower shall be responsible for any damage to the book(s) / periodical(s) etc. issued on a particular card unless it has been pointed out at the time of issue.
- No reader is allowed to use Mobile / Cell phone in the library. It must be switched off before entering the library.
- The librarian may recall any book at any time if there is a specific demand.
- Student is required to surrender the borrower card / tickets etc. to the circulation desk before leaving the institute and only then he/she will be issued a NO DUES CERTIFICATE (NOC) for the library.
- The NOC can be obtained from the library after surrendering the borrower’s card and clearing all library dues. In case of loss of borrower’s card, NOC can be issued only after 14 days of the normal expiry of membership.
- Provisional NOC cannot be issued. Outsiders are allowed to visit the library only with the prior written permission of the principal